Day 12!

Wow, I am proud of myself. I have made it to day twelve of my whole30, and it keeps getting easier. I am amazed that I am doing this with my husband home. He is really being supportive and understanding, which helps immensely. Today I added running back to my routine and I felt pretty good. I did two and a half miles, and tomorrow I think I want to do five. I don’t have a lot going on right now, so nothing else to report. Hope all is going great well, until next time!


What my meals are like on a daily basis

Day 8!

This week sure flew by, I can’t believe I am on day eight! So far, I have been managing pretty well. The first three days were rough, but now I am feeling good. I have to stay on top of my food planning and dishes so I don’t get overwhelmed and throw in the towel. I have noticed I am sleeping through the night, which I don’t normally do. I also have a greater appreciation for apples and bananas, I never realized how sweet an apple can really be! Next week, I plan on kicking my cooking up a notch, as it has been pretty simple over the first week.


I am looking forward to some curry! Hope everyone is doing well!

whole30 Day 5, Check!

I am on day five of my whole30, and today was a breeze! My daughter and I went snowboarding at the crack of dawn, and I went prepared. I packed us crock pot beef that pulled apart with ease in our trusty Stanley lunch jars, carrots, and bananas. We ate breakfast at 6:45 then when we got up there I had to eat my banana because I was starving and I knew I couldn’t brave the cold and fresh snow without any energy. At 11:30 we were ready to go, and I surprised myself because I did’t need to eat. What? Who am I? I waited until 12:30 when we got home to dive into my delicious jar of beef. I impressed myself. After lunch, I had coffee and a hot bath. It was heaven.

Now, I am food and mentally prepping for tomorrow, because my husband gets home. When he is home for three weeks after working for three weeks, we go into vacation mode. NOT THIS TIME! He knows this too, and I mentally prepped him to tell me no if I have any temptation to cheat. Which I know that I won’t. I have steamed broccoli, baked chicken for my curried chicken salad with shredded spinach, and I have chopped sweet potatoes for sweet potato hash. Tomorrow, the hubs is coming home with a boat load of salmon from Alaska (I hope he is), and we are making a trip to Seattle to dink around and check out some meat shops. It sounds like we are going to be well stocked for the next month!

Whew, I cannot wait until my head hits this pillow tonight! Hope everyone is doing well, enjoy your week!

My Favorite Lunch

I survived day two of my whole30! Now on with day three. For lunch I had one of my favorites, roast chicken thighs and guacamole. I swear I could eat roast chicken everyday. Seriously. Today I brushed some garlic infused olive on the thighs, then sprinkled salt, pepper, onion powder, and smoked paprika all over them. So satisfying, especially with the guac. 



I think I might survive until dinner without feeling like a train wreck.

Quitting is NOT an Option!

I am nearing the end of my second day on whole30, and I am feeling pretty achy and hungry. It doesn’t feel like physical hunger, but like I want a big o’ pizza hunger. Do I really want junk? No! So far yesterday and this morning went really well, but now I am hanging on by a thread, a splitting thread. I sure hope dinner is ready soon! I have Mediterranean lamb in the crock pot and it smells good!

Before whole30

Okay, I just posted pictures of myself, “before” pictures of myself on the damn internet! That took guts I didn’t think I had, and now that I look at them I am ready to commit to the whole30 program. Really? I look this horrific? I decided to put on my jeans that button up, but obviously look like shit with sugar on top. Wow, I am still amazed.

before whole30before whole30before whole30We have booked a trip to Florida in February and I have no excuses between now and then to not complete the program. You can tell in the first picture that my upper gut is bloated, and my face looks puffy in the second picture. I felt like vomiting last night before bed because I ate pasta, so today I omitted gluten. I still feel crappy, but I know it will take a few days for my glutenous hangover to disappear. I AM SO READY FOR THE 2ND!

Okay, I think I am going to go hide my face under a pillow for a while because I am so embarrassed. Happy New Year!